Amendment # |
Amendment Date |
Amendment Note |
08/08/2024 09:38:48 AM
This amendment attaches the information required for vendors to access the conference call. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File '40DHHS-S2910 Bid Amendment 1 - Conference Call.pdf': File '40DHHS-S2910 Bid Amendment 1 - Conference Call.pdf' added .
08/08/2024 01:50:06 PM
This change order is to fix a typo in the meeting link address. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File '40DHHS-S2910 REVISED Bid Amendment 1 - Conference Call.pdf': File '40DHHS-S2910 REVISED Bid Amendment 1 - Conference Call.pdf' added . 2. File '40DHHS-S2910 Bid Amendment 1 - Conference Call.pdf': Show Attachment to Vendor Flag changed from "Yes" to "No".
08/09/2024 04:09:32 PM
Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File '40DHHS-S2910 REVISED Bid Amendment 1 - Conference Call.pdf': File '40DHHS-S2910 REVISED Bid Amendment 1 - Conference Call.pdf' deleted . 2. File '40DHHS-S2910 REVISED Bid Amendment 1 - Conference Call with Link.pdf': File '40DHHS-S2910 REVISED Bid Amendment 1 - Conference Call with Link.pdf' added .
08/13/2024 02:00:20 PM
This is a reminder of the updated Bidders call 8/14/2024 at 10:00AM PT and that vendors should download the Revised Bid Amendment 1 for current details.
08/14/2024 01:33:51 PM
This bid amendment posts the slide deck and link to recorded session for the actuarial conference call. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Nevada DHHS BBSP Actuarial Meeting slide deck.pdf': File 'Nevada DHHS BBSP Actuarial Meeting slide deck.pdf' added . 2. File '40DHHS-S2910 Bid Amendment 2.pdf': File '40DHHS-S2910 Bid Amendment 2.pdf' added . 3. File '40DHHS-S2910 Battle Born State Plans MCO Step 1.pdf': Order changed from "15" to "20". 4. File '40DHHS-S2910 REVISED Bid Amendment 1 - Conference Call with Link.pdf': Order changed from "10" to "15".
08/14/2024 04:46:58 PM
Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File '40DHHS-S2910 Bid Amendment 2.pdf': File '40DHHS-S2910 Bid Amendment 2.pdf' deleted . 2. File '40DHHS-S2910 REVISED Bid Amendment 2.pdf': File '40DHHS-S2910 REVISED Bid Amendment 2.pdf' added .
08/20/2024 05:01:49 PM
This bid amendment uploads the Q&A responses to the Interested Bidders Call. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File '40DHHS-S2910 Bid Amendment 3 - Call Q&A.pdf': File '40DHHS-S2910 Bid Amendment 3 - Call Q&A.pdf' added . 2. File 'Q_A_from 8.14 Interested Bidders Webinar.xlsx': File 'Q_A_from 8.14 Interested Bidders Webinar.xlsx' added . 3. File '40DHHS-S2910 Battle Born State Plans MCO Step 1.pdf': Order changed from "20" to "25". 4. File '40DHHS-S2910 Letter of Interest Template for Battle Born State Plans.docx': Order changed from "20" to "30". 5. File '40DHHS-S2910 REVISED Bid Amendment 1 - Conference Call with Link.pdf': Order changed from "15" to "20". 6. File 'Nevada DHHS BBSP Actuarial Meeting slide deck.pdf': Order changed from "11" to "16". 7. File '40DHHS-S2910 REVISED Bid Amendment 2.pdf': Order changed from "10" to "15".
08/23/2024 01:34:31 PM
This bid amendment uploads additional Q&As from the bidders call.
Due Date for Letter of Interest is 08/23/2024 at 5:00PM. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Q_A_from 8.23.24 Interested Bidders Webinar.xlsx': File 'Q_A_from 8.23.24 Interested Bidders Webinar.xlsx' added .
09/20/2024 02:14:45 PM
This bid amendment updates the solicitation for Phase 2 of the BBSP plans and the supporting documents. Enrollment Date Changes: 1. Added new enrollment date for 09/20/2024 03:00:00 PM through 10/16/2024 02:00:00 PM.. 2. Added new enrollment date for 10/17/2024 12:00:00 AM through 10/23/2024 02:00:00 PM..
09/23/2024 06:50:56 PM
This bid amendment adds attachemnts Scope of Work, Data and Information, Premium Reduction Target Calculator, and Reference Premiums. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Attachment - Data and Information for Operating BBSP Program.docx': File 'Attachment - Data and Information for Operating BBSP Program.docx' added . 2. File 'Attachment - 40DHHS-S2910 Scope of Work.docx': File 'Attachment - 40DHHS-S2910 Scope of Work.docx' added . 3. File 'Attachment - Reference Premiums.docx': File 'Attachment - Reference Premiums.docx' added . 4. File 'Attachment - Premium Reduction Targets Calculator - 09.16.24.xlsx': File 'Attachment - Premium Reduction Targets Calculator - 09.16.24.xlsx' added .
10/02/2024 10:48:23 AM
This amendment updates the timeline and attaches the following updated documents, RFP and Scope of Work. Questions must be emailed to but the date in the adjusted timeline. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File '40DHHS-S2910 Phase 2 MCO combined Battle Born State Plans BBSP~1.docx': File '40DHHS-S2910 Phase 2 MCO combined Battle Born State Plans BBSP~1.docx' deleted . 2. File 'UPDATED 40DHHS-S2910 Phase 2 MCO combined Battle Born State Plans BBSP~2.docx': File 'UPDATED 40DHHS-S2910 Phase 2 MCO combined Battle Born State Plans BBSP~2.docx' added . 3. File 'BBSP Step 2 Scope of Work Final 10.02.docx': File 'BBSP Step 2 Scope of Work Final 10.02.docx' added . 4. File 'Attachment - 40DHHS-S2910 Scope of Work.docx': Order changed from "10" to "11". 5. File 'Attachment - 40DHHS-S2910 Scope of Work.docx': Show Attachment to Vendor Flag changed from "No" to "No". Enrollment Date Changes: 1. Modified enrollment date from 09/20/2024 03:00:00 PM through 10/16/2024 02:00:00 PM to 09/20/2024 03:00:00 PM through 10/23/2024 02:00:00 PM.. 2. Modified enrollment date from 10/17/2024 12:00:00 AM through 10/23/2024 02:00:00 PM to 10/24/2024 12:00:00 AM through 10/31/2024 02:00:00 PM..
10/16/2024 12:10:09 PM
This Bid Amendment posts the Attachments for Signature, Staff Resume template, and Answers to the Questions. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'BBSP Step 2 RFP QA 10-16-24.docx': File 'BBSP Step 2 RFP QA 10-16-24.docx' added . 2. File 'Attachments for Signatures 2023-04-13~3.pdf': File 'Attachments for Signatures 2023-04-13~3.pdf' added . 3. File 'Proposed Staff Resume 2023-04-13~2.docx': File 'Proposed Staff Resume 2023-04-13~2.docx' added .
10/21/2024 02:02:18 PM
This bid amendment attaches answers to additional questions and provides the insurance schedule document for review. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File '40DHHS-S2910 - Additional questions RV 20241018.xls': File '40DHHS-S2910 - Additional questions RV 20241018.xls' added . 2. File '40DHHS-S2910 Attachment Insurance Schedule.doc': File '40DHHS-S2910 Attachment Insurance Schedule.doc' added . 3. File 'BBSP Step 2 RFP QA 10-16-24.docx': Order changed from "0" to "4". 4. File 'Attachments for Signatures 2023-04-13~3.pdf': Order changed from "0" to "3". 5. File 'Proposed Staff Resume 2023-04-13~2.docx': Order changed from "0" to "2".
10/23/2024 08:28:23 AM
This amendment posts the remaining answers to the emailed questions. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File '40DHHS-S2910 - Additional questions RV 20241018.xls': File '40DHHS-S2910 - Additional questions RV 20241018.xls' deleted . 2. File 'Complete 40DHHS-S2910 - Additional questions RV 20241018.xls': File 'Complete 40DHHS-S2910 - Additional questions RV 20241018.xls' added .
11/04/2024 12:31:20 PM
This bid amendment posts the Pass/Fail results of Good Faith Bid for solicitation 40DHHS-S2910. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File '40DHHS-S2910-notice-of-PassFail.pdf': File '40DHHS-S2910-notice-of-PassFail.pdf' added .
12/30/2024 03:05:45 PM
This bid amendment posts the Notice of Intent to award. All quotes, scores and related information remains confidential until the posting of the formal notice of award. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File '40DHHS-S2910 notice-of-intent-2024-12-30.pdf': File '40DHHS-S2910 notice-of-intent-2024-12-30.pdf' added .