You already have an unfinished Quote for this Bid. Would you like to continue working on that Quote?
Bid Solicitation: 40DHHS-S1457
Header Information
Bid Number:
Managed Care Organization
Bid Opening Date:
05/13/2021 02:00:00 PM
Teri Becker
Department of Health and Human Services
403 - Health Care Financing and Policy
3243 - Nevada Medicaid, Title XIX
Fiscal Year:
Allow Electronic Quote:
Alternate Id:
Required Date:
Available Date :
01/25/2021 02:00:00 PM
Info Contact:
Teri Becker;
Bid Type:
Informal Bid Flag:
Purchase Method:
Open Market
Pre Bid Conference:
Bulletin Desc:
The State will hold a pre-proposal conference for Potential Vendors. While attendance is encouraged, attendance at the conference is not a prerequisite for submitting a Proposal. The pre-proposal conference will be held at the date and time specified in Section 2.1 RFP Schedule. The meeting log-in and any additional information will be provided through NevadaEPro.
Ship-to Address:
Bill-to Address:
Print Format:
File Attachments:
Letter Of Intent~1.pdf
RFP Amendment to Amend Certain RFP Language.docx
2nd Questions and Answers.xlsx
RFP Amendment 2nd Questions and Answers.docx
Attachment U 20191219 Nevada CY 2020 Capitation Rate Certification FINAL.pdf
Attachment V CY 2021 Nevada MCO Rate Certification_2021.02.26.pdf
Attachment W CY 2019 Risk-Adjustment Methodology Overview.pdf
RFP Amendment Questions and Answers~1.docx
Questions and Answers.xlsx
Capitation Rate Development Presentation.pdf
RFP Amendment to Cancel Pre-Proposal Conference.docx
40DHHS-S1457 MCO RFP~1.docx
ATTACHMENT D - Insurance Schedule.doc
ATTACHMENT E - Modified Reference Questionnaire.doc
ATTACHMENT H - Geographic Service Area.pdf
ATTACHMENT H - Mandatory Zip Codes.xlsx
ATTACHMENT I - Provider Types~1.pdf
ATTACHMENT K - Standard Member TerminologyK.pdf
ATTACHMENT L - Disenrollment Form.doc
ATTACHMENT M - MHPAEA Contract Language and Compliance Checklist.docx
ATTACHMENT N - System of Care.pdf
Attachment O Capitation Rates.pdf
ATTACHMENT P -Point Allocation for RFP.xlsx
Attachment Q MCO RFP Procurement Resource Library.pdf
Attachment R Report Templates
Attachment S Data Quality Management Plan.docx
Attachment T Databook.xlsx
Quote Instructions
Form Attachments:
Required Quote Attachments
Emergency Purchase:
Procurement Type:
Services (or combined goods and services)
Purchase from an existing Contract (Agency or Statewide)? :
Contract Type:
Vendor (Contract for Service of Independent Contractor, NRS 333.700)
Anticipated BOE/Clerk Approval:
Anticipated Contract Start Date:
Anticipated Contract End Date:
State Purchasing Led Solicitation:
Amendment #
Amendment Date
Amendment Note
03/24/2021 11:20:39 AM
The link for the resource library is no longer active. Attachment Q replaces the resource library link. Attachment R contains all of the report templates contained in Attachment Q. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Attachment Q MCO RFP Procurement Resource Library.pdf': File 'Attachment Q MCO RFP Procurement Resource Library.pdf' added . 2. File 'Attachment R Report Templates': File 'Attachment R Report Templates' added .
03/25/2021 12:36:32 PM
To correct opening date. Header 1. Bid Opening Date changed from "05/12/2021 02:00:00 PM" to "05/13/2021 02:00:00 PM".
04/01/2021 04:46:15 PM
Item 1 1. Hide Price On Quote Flag changed from "No" to "Yes".
04/06/2021 11:21:06 AM
This amendment cancels the pre-proposal conference and makes changes to corresponding sections of the RFP. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'RFP Amendment to Cancel Pre-Proposal Conference.docx': File 'RFP Amendment to Cancel Pre-Proposal Conference.docx' added .
04/08/2021 03:15:51 PM
To update reference questionnaire to add due date and accept redlines. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'ATTACHMENT E - Reference Questionnaire.doc': Confidential Attachment Flag changed from "No" to "Yes". 2. File 'ATTACHMENT E - Modified Reference Questionnaire.doc': File 'ATTACHMENT E - Modified Reference Questionnaire.doc' added . 3. File 'ATTACHMENT E - Reference Questionnaire.doc': Order changed from "0" to "0". 4. File 'ATTACHMENT E - Reference Questionnaire.doc': Show Attachment to Vendor Flag changed from "No" to "No".
04/14/2021 04:47:53 PM
This amendment answers submitted questions and adds Attachments O, S, and T Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Questions and Answers.xlsx': File 'Questions and Answers.xlsx' added . 2. File 'Attachment O Capitation Rates.pdf': File 'Attachment O Capitation Rates.pdf' added . 3. File 'Attachment S Data Quality Management Plan.docx': File 'Attachment S Data Quality Management Plan.docx' added . 4. File 'Attachment T Databook.xlsx': File 'Attachment T Databook.xlsx' added . 5. File 'RFP Amendment Questions and Answers~1.docx': File 'RFP Amendment Questions and Answers~1.docx' added . 6. File 'Quote Instructions': Order changed from "200" to "300". 7. File 'ATTACHMENT D - Insurance Schedule.doc': Order changed from "60" to "100". 8. File 'ATTACHMENT H - Geographic Service Area.pdf': Order changed from "80" to "120". 9. File 'ATTACHMENT H - Mandatory Zip Codes.xlsx': Order changed from "90" to "130". 10. File 'ATTACHMENT I - Provider Types~1.pdf': Order changed from "100" to "140". 11. File 'ATTACHMENT J - ECP.pdf': Order changed from "110" to "150". 12. File 'ATTACHMENT K - Standard Member TerminologyK.pdf': Order changed from "120" to "160". 13. File 'ATTACHMENT L - Disenrollment Form.doc': Order changed from "130" to "170". 14. File 'ATTACHMENT M - MHPAEA Contract Language and Compliance Checklist.docx': Order changed from "140" to "180". 15. File 'ATTACHMENT N - System of Care.pdf': Order changed from "150" to "190". 16. File 'ATTACHMENT P -Point Allocation for RFP.xlsx': Order changed from "170" to "210". 17. File '40DHHS-S1457 MCO RFP~1.docx': Order changed from "50" to "90". 18. File 'Capitation Rate Development Presentation.pdf': Order changed from "30" to "70". 19. File 'Attachment Q MCO RFP Procurement Resource Library.pdf': Order changed from "180" to "220". 20. File 'Attachment R Report Templates': Order changed from "190" to "230". 21. File 'RFP Amendment to Cancel Pre-Proposal Conference.docx': Order changed from "40" to "80". 22. File 'ATTACHMENT E - Modified Reference Questionnaire.doc': Order changed from "70" to "110".
04/26/2021 02:09:05 PM
This amendment answers 2nd round of submitted questions and adds Attachments U, V, and W Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'RFP Amendment 2nd Questions and Answers.docx': File 'RFP Amendment 2nd Questions and Answers.docx' added . 2. File 'Attachment U 20191219 Nevada CY 2020 Capitation Rate Certification FINAL.pdf': File 'Attachment U 20191219 Nevada CY 2020 Capitation Rate Certification FINAL.pdf' added . 3. File 'Attachment V CY 2021 Nevada MCO Rate Certification_2021.02.26.pdf': File 'Attachment V CY 2021 Nevada MCO Rate Certification_2021.02.26.pdf' added . 4. File 'Attachment W CY 2019 Risk-Adjustment Methodology Overview.pdf': File 'Attachment W CY 2019 Risk-Adjustment Methodology Overview.pdf' added . 5. File '2nd Questions and Answers.xlsx': File '2nd Questions and Answers.xlsx' added . 6. File 'Available Points by Topic Area.docx': Order changed from "0" to "800". 7. File 'Point Allocation for Technical Response.xlsx': Order changed from "0" to "850". 8. File 'Eval Committee.xlsx': Order changed from "0" to "900". 9. File 'ATTACHMENT E - Reference Questionnaire.doc': Order changed from "0" to "950".
05/03/2021 03:46:46 PM
This amendment amends certain RFP language. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'RFP Amendment to Amend Certain RFP Language.docx': File 'RFP Amendment to Amend Certain RFP Language.docx' added .
06/09/2021 08:54:11 AM
This amendment is to notify vendors that the State has decided that there will not be oral presentations, and awards will be based on the written proposals received.
06/14/2021 12:26:35 PM
The purpose of this amendment is to notify vendors of the intent to award RFP 40DHHS-S1457. Vendors do not need to acknowledge this amendment. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Letter Of Intent~1.pdf': File 'Letter Of Intent~1.pdf' added .
Item Information
Item # 1: ( 958 - 56 )
Respond as instructed in the RFP on the Attachments Tab
NIGP Code:
Health Care Management Services, Including Managed Care Services
Unit Cost
Total Cost
LOT - Lot
Quote #
Date Last Modified